1.Products Introduction
XLPE insulated power cables are superior in thermomechanical properties.electrical characteristics and chemical resistances.Theyare not only simple in construction and light in weight but also no limitation is required to the difference of levelin intallation along theroute.This kind of up-to-date cables is widely used in electrical power nets in cities,mines and factories.
The insulation of the cable-XLPE is manufactured badopting a chemical or physical process of cross-linking of the molecularstructure. During the process,the cross linkable insulation is transformed from its linear chainstructure into a three-dimensional networkstructure owing to this substantive transformation,the thermomechanical propertiesothe cable insulation are grealy improved while itssuperior electrical characteristics remain unchanged.
The maximum permissible continuous conductor operating temperature of XLPE insulated power cables is OC,which is higher thanthat of paper,PVC,or PE insulated cables.The current ratings of the XLPE insulated cable further increase.
All the main equipment for producing XLPE insulated cables with rated voltages up to and including 26/35k were imported formadvanced countries TROESTER of Germany and DAVIS of uSA equipped with X-ray eccentricity gauges, conductor preheaters andpartial discharge equipment.
To meet the broad users needs. our company has successfully developed up-to-date flame-retardant type.Low smoke low halogentype. low smoke non-halogen type and watertight type XLPE insulated power cables. Cables of flame-relardant type. low smoke lowhalogen type,ow smoke non-halogen type are suited for USB where emphasis is placed on special performanee of flame retardancy,such as high-rise buildings, hospitals, tunnels, power plants, petrochemical works, mines, etc..while the cables of watertight type areused in the places where waterproof is strictlv realuired.
The above products, having been tested, are in conformity with the requirements of the standards of GB/T12706.2-2020.GB/T18380-2O2O、GB/T17650-1998.GB/T17651-1998, IEC6O502-2:2005.EC60332-2000,IEC61034-1997 and IEC60754-1994.
Standard complied with
GB/T12706.2-2020额定电压1kV ( Um=1.2kV )到35kV ( Um=40.5kV)挤包绝缘电力电缆及附件
GB/T12706.2-2020 Powercables with extruded insulation and their accesseries for rated voltages form 1KV(Um-1.2kup to andincluding 35kv(Um=40.5kV)
IEC60502-2:2005 Power cables with extruded Insulation and their accessories for rated voltages form 1kV up to 3Okv
Service performance
Operating temperature Max.Permissible continuous operating temperature of conductors shall nol exceed 9o局℃.导体短路温度:最高温度不得超过250℃,最长时间不超过5秒
Short circuit temperature of conductor Max. Short circuit temperature shall not exceed 250C(Max.sustaining period:not exceeding5 sec.)
Type,description and main applications
Scope of cables
